:~ Solita

We create value from data in a connected world. We cherish our culture and take care of our people. That means staying true to our values, and realizing everyday that people make Solita. We are Sons & Daughters. We are Wives, Husbands, Partners, Friends. We are Parents, Aunts, Uncles, Godparents, Grandparents. We are Data professionals, Cloud professionals, Development professionals, Designers & Agile coaches, Project managers, etc. We are Solita and we have room to grow.

Our main entry level path is our Academy Concept. Academy is a long-term investment for the company, Solita community and the individual  – not a stand-alone learning program. It is a combination of different growth tracks  and it uses various learning methods,  co-designed and carried out with internal and external experts. Content is built around capabilities relevant in the future. We have had Data Academies, Cloud Academies, and Dev Academies. Academies start once or twice a year.

Check&Apply to our Talent Academies. Since 2016, 300 academians recruited, 70% still working with us. (https://www.solita.fi/join-us/solita-talent-academy/ )

Solita in brief:

  • Founded in 1996

  • 2000+ employees (~450 @ Tampere)

  • 9 countries & 30 cities

  • Software development, Strategy, Data, Design, Cloud, Connectivity

  • Turnover 230+M