Laskianen challenge week

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11.02.2024 22:00-18.02.2024 21:00

TiTe's laskiainen challenge week is coming at 12.2. – 18.2.!


Laskiainen (mid-winter sliding festival) is approaching and TiTe is gonna arrange a Laskianen challenge week! By completing at least 6 challenges out of 13 you get an awesome overall badge! Send pictures of your completed challenges to #laskiaisen-haasteviikko -channel on TiTe’s Discord ( and fill out a forms when you’ve completed at least 7 challenges ( If you’re sending a picture on behalf of multiple persons, tag them on the message. The badge can be claimed from the guildroom, the arrival of the badges is announced later.


Challenges this year are:

  • Sledding

  • Drink hot drink

  • Eat laskiaspulla

  • Go ice hole swimming

  • Go to sauna

  • Skiing

  • Playing around in the snow

  • Grilling something

  • Ice skating

  • After ski

  • Play kyykkä

  • Go to a walk

  • Something else