:~ Services


The guild has regular sports time slots, that are free-to-use for all our members.

The guild's members can search for sports related company or ask more about sports time slots and sports events at our Telegram group @tite_liikunta or in the irc channel #tite-liikunta @IRCNet . If you have questions about our sports time slots or sports events, you can also contact the guild's sports official. TiTe's floorball time slots uses the Nimenhuuto.com website, where you can see the amount of people participating and announce whether you will be participating yourself. You can join from this link: https://tite.nimenhuuto.com/public_join

If you don't own a floorball stick but would like to participate, you can borrow a stick from the guild.

Bommari floorball time slot: Tuesday at 18 and Thursday at 17

Tamppiareena ball games timeslot: Friday 12

The guild participates in different sports events. Our members can and are also requested to join the events in guild's official team. The guild also organizes some sports events during the year. Members get informed of these sports events through the guild's official information channels.


The guild has different items which can be borrowed for a couple of days at most. Normally items can be lend from reservation calender, but currently (14.12.2023) TiTe’s new websites are in development. If you want to lend stuff (such as Herwantapeli) send an email to hallitus@tietoteekkarikilta.fi ! Items can be collected from guild room during the sale shift times. Sales shifts can be found from sale shift calendar

  • Items are lent only for TiTe members.

  • TiTe's board retains the right to use the items for guild's events regardless of reservations!

  • Broken items must be compensated by replacing them or by other means negotiated with the board.

Items for loan:

  • Herwantapeli (Fee 10 €, deposit 20 €)

  • Megaphone

  • Beer Pong -sets

  • Extension cords (1 pcs)

  • Hand truck

  • Kyykkä set (about 1.75 pcs)

  • Red jerseys

  • Floorball sticks

  • Pulks


When a member of the guild's board is in the guildroom, you can purchase different articles from the counter. The board has regular sale services when there is some one behind the counter. The surest way to buy something is during the sales shift; however there are often board members in the guildroom outside of the sales shifts.

Soda vending machine and snack sales

The guild's hallway has vending machine which sells soda at an affordable price.

We request that you return the empty soda bottles to our guild's bottle return bin so we can keep selling soda at an affordable price.

Snacks can be found from the guild room and instructions are on the fridge door.

Soda selection:

  • Coca-Cola

  • Coca-Cola Zero

  • Bonaqua Vichy

  • Smurffi

  • Powerade

  • Monster Ultra White

  • Crisp


Members of TiTe have the right to buy overalls, if they

  • are studying in the Information Technology degree programme at Tampere University OR

  • are a Science and Engineering student who is studying Computing and Electrical Engineering OR

  • are TiTe’s TREY Godparent.

Additionally, there is a chance to apply for the right to buy TiTe’s overalls by sending a free-form application to the board at hallitus@tietoteekkarikilta.fi. To people not listed above, the right to buy overalls acts as a recognition for active participation in the guild’s activities. The board will review the applications on a case-by-case basis. The criteria used for the decision are, for example

  • the duration of the membership

  • participating in the guild's events and activities

  • understanding the meaning and value of overalls

  • the quality and thoroughness of the application, motivation of the applicant

  • studies, interest in the field

Please note that there may not be any overalls currently available, even if the right to buy was granted. The availability can be found out by asking the Overall team godmothers on Telegram @ylitutor or @ithekuma

Assistance for EESTEC-trips

TiTe admits 100 e / person as an assistance with some specific criteria to EESTEC trips in order to support its members internationalization. The criteria can be found below.

TiTe assists people, who:

  • are TiTe’s actual members

  • take part in an EESTEC workshop-style trip (so not only for fun -trips)

  • are taking part in an EESTEC-trip for the first time

  • send an application to hallitus@tietoteekkarikilta.fi

  • are one of the five (5) first people to send in an application during the calendar year

The application should have:

  • information of the trip, for example a link to the event

  • some kind of confirmation of actually attending the trip, for example a flying ticket with critical info blurred out