Would you like some sima, donuts provided by TEK, and a pre-Wappu celebration with your friends before the traditional Colours-party!?
Wappu starts at the TARAKI X TiTe X Robo Pre-Colours sitsis on Thursday, April 11th at 5 PM at Messukylän työväentalo, themed "Your Favorite Color"! After colorful festivities at the sitsis, the party continues in the city center at Colours-party. Remember to get your Colours ticket separately if you wish to attend, as it's not included in the sitsis registration!
Registration opens on Thursday, March 28th at 12 PM on a form delivered then. The sitsis cost 16 € per participant.
WHAT? TARAKI X TiTe X Robo Pre-Colours sitsis
WHERE? Messukylän työväentalo, Messukylänkatu 47
WHEN? Thursday, April 11th, at 5:00 PM
PRICE? 16 €
REGISTRATION: March 28th, at 12:00 PM
DRESS CODE: Your favorite colour
WHY? Beginning of Wappu and Colours-party!!