TiTeeni battles -24: Oulu

TiTe events
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15.03.2024 06:00-17.03.2024 18:00

Kalevala 1835
Sixtyfifth poem:

From the banks of Tammerkoski, afar,
Sages, the active teekkaris embark,
Heading towards the Nordic night so dark,
To Oulu, where cold embraces from afar.

There they met the heroes, sleek and fine,
Other teekkaris, skilled men of might.
Joined in a battle of wisdom and insight,
Fought for honor, for its bright shine.

Victory was seized by those from Tampere,
Home they returned, with honor on their crest.
Let's now praise their valiant quest,
The deed of sages, the triumph of Tampere.

Like the warriors of Kalevala once set out to retrieve the Sampo from the Pohjola, now it's our time to embark on a raid for TiTeeni axe in Oulu!

The journey will cost 68€ and includes round-trip transportation, tickets to Friday and Saturday night events at Oulu's Alppimaja, a patch for your overalls, transportation to after-parties/accommodations/event venues, floor accommodation for both nights, one meal each at the Friday and Saturday night events, and a Sunday herring breakfast.

Registration for the event takes place at the guild room on Friday, February 23rd, at 12:00 PM!

During registration, you can also purchase a ticket for the Pre-TiTeeni sitsis on March 14th. The sitsis costs €11, and there will be a busload of people from Turku participating as well!

What: TiTeenit 2024
Where: Oulu
Cost: 68€
Registration: Guild room on Friday, February 23rd, at 12:00 PM!