TiTe's 34th anniversary gala

TiTe events
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04.04.2025 10:49-05.04.2025 11:49

Welcome to celebrate the 34th anniversary of the Tampereen TietoTeekkarikilta!

The main party will be held on Friday April 4th 2025, at Bravo Plaza (Itäinenkatu 5-7, Siperia, Tampere) starting at 18:00. The party will continue with an afterparty at location X, starting around 23:00.

The traditional "silliaamiainen" (a brunch following the party) will take place on Saturday April 5th 2025, at Teekkarisauna Mörrimöykky (Tekniikankatu 9, Hervanta) starting at 12:00. There will be food, drinks, some small entertainment and a possibility to enjoy sauna and a hot tub. 


The party costs 75€ for students and 85€ for others and the theme of the celebration is Shine of the Neon Colours. The dress code is according to the theme, or a dark suit with academic honors.

Registration opens on 7.3. at 12:00 and closes on March 17th at 23:59 or when all spots are filled via this link: https://forms.gle/pRNH8UtvjEBXu7kC9


If you have any questions about the event, feel free to contact the anniversary organizers Sisu @Ggifu or Tapio @ttpoat on Telegram or via email at vujut@tietoteekkarikilta.fi
A separate info message and payment details will be sent to the participants after registration closes.