TiTe logo satisfaction poll

TietoTeekkarikilta is polling the members' satisfaction with TiTe's current logo and their willingness to change it.
Updated: 31.01.2024 13:03

The TiTe logo is an important and perhaps somewhat sensitive topic for many. Conversations about changing it are sure to evoke various reactions. We respect all opinions and hope that the discussion around the topic remains respectful.

In its meeting, the TiTe board has addressed the current status of the logo and its related issues, sharing the view that it is worth exploring what the members of the guild think about it.

The board would like to emphasize that:

The guild's traditions and what it represents ARE important.

Based on this poll, NO decision will be made to change the guild's logo.

This poll will also NOT express an opinion on how the guild's logo should look.

If the board believes that the members are in favor of changing the logo, it would eventually present the matter at the guild's general assembly, where a vote would be taken on the issue.

Voice your opinion and answer the anonymous poll behind this link.

PLEASE NOTE! Answering the poll requires a tuni.fi email address.